Monday, February 17, 2014

Strawberry-Vanilla Poke Cake

            Valentine’s Day is in the air…or on the shelves rather.  Even though it is a holiday based entirely on commercialism (what holiday isn’t these days?), I can’t help but admit that I have always loved Valentine’s Day. Not just because of all the fru fru that comes with it, but because it splits up a long, cold Nebraska winter. It’s that bridge between the Christmas holiday season and spring. When I was little, my school always had Valentine’s Day parties in grades K-6 and I would meticulously construct my Valentine box to set on my desk. I would love when the holiday finally rolled around, and we got a break from classroom instruction and could eat sugary snacks and open Valentines from everyone in the class.  The boys I had crushes on always got more stickers or candy in their Valentines! I also had older sisters in high school at any given point (being the youngest of six) and frequently would receive balloons or giant sugar cookies to my classroom at the end of the day. There was a brief awkward time in junior high when childhood parties were no more, and boyfriends were non-existent. I would rely on my friends to cheer me up in those years. Then high school rolled around, my last couple years providing me with a boyfriend, which meant you had everything; someone to get you presents to brag about to your friends, and someone to take you “out on the town!”
            Now that I am “grown-up” and married with a little guy of my own, I see it in a totally different way. I don’t expect big, grand gestures for this holiday. I would much rather save those things for our wedding anniversary, a day that is mostly only special to us. However, I do love making treats for my family and expressing how much I love them, even though I say it to both of them every single day. This lets my husband off the hook; having a wife that is happy with a card and lounging on the couch watching movies with our almost four-year-old. Last year consisted of a “Wall-E” viewing on the Disney Channel, and me making crock pot hot lava cake. That was it. And it was wonderful! This year, Valentine’s Day falls on a Friday and there is no way I would ever try to go out on a weekend night. If we do, it will end up being the neighboring small town at the local steak house, then home.
            This year for my “new” dessert, I will make a cake that my husband and I came up with together. For my mother-in-law’s birthday in December, I made a cake I found on Pinterest called a “Red Velvet Poke Cake”. It is a red velvet cake with cheesecake pudding. Chill over-night, and top with Cool Whip and crushed up Oreos. It was fantastic! This new cake is along the same concept, and also super easy.

Strawberry-Vanilla Poke Cake
Strawberry Cake Mix (bake as directed)
            I always add a little sour cream, applesauce or Greek yogurt for moistness.
41/2 Cup Vanilla Pudding Mix
1 Container Cool Whip
Graham Crackers
Caramel Ice Cream Topping
Fresh Strawberries

Bake cake as directed on box. Remove from oven and poke many holes in cake. Mix up vanilla pudding with 2 cups of milk and pour over cake. Refrigerate overnight. Top with Cool Whip, crushed up graham crackers, and caramel ice cream topping. Add fresh strawberries! Enjoy!!

Cake with poke holes.
This was absolutely yummy! Cake is dense though, so be ready to share with friends!

The finished product!

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